
Seeking to transform your non-profit’s communication strategy? CollaborateVideo provides webcasting solutions that help organizations streamline communication and outreach efforts. 

Your mission is to make a difference… and our mission is to support that endeavour! With CollaborateVideo’s webcasting platform, you can extend your reach, engage with your community, and amplify your impact.

Engage & Inspire

  • Break down geographical barriers and connect with supporters, donors, and volunteers
  • Engage your audience with interactive features that make your virtual and hybrid events more involved

Endless Potential

  • Our platform ensures a smooth, professional experience from start to finish
  • Keep people up to date with webinars, town hall meetings, and informational sessions
  • Provide valuable training for staff and volunteers

Simple Pricing

  • Budgets are real, which is why you need a solution that maximizes your resources and impact
  • Our pricing model lets you host virtual events of any size, the only variable is the event’s length

Integration & Support

  • We provide end-to-end support, ensuring that your webcasts seamlessly integrate into your existing operations
  • Our dedicated support team is always available to assist with questions or issues

With over 25 years of webcasting experience, we’ve worked with a broad range of organizations and in various settings. We use proven processes and trusted technologies to minimize risk and know how to tackle situations when they arise. Services are available in English, French, Spanish, and other languages upon request.

CollaborateVideo’s Platform

  • Client and event branded website 
  • Advance or same-day registration with controlled access and two-factor authentication
  • Branded and configured features including:
    • Q&A, chat, polling, and voting
    • Real-time captions
    • ASL and LSQ (in separate window)
    • Resources (links to documents and websites)
    • Simultaneous interpretation 
  • Live technical support services for:
    • Closed captioning (EN/FR)
    • Simultaneous audio interpretation (EN/FR)
    • ASL and LSQ (EN/FR)
    • Event producer and remote participants
    • Analytics reporting system
  • Strictly streaming services (to third-party platforms only)
  • Post-production services including:
    • Audio and video editing
    • Closed captioning
    • Transcription
    • Archive packaging
    • Hosting

Consulting & Support Services

  • We work with non-profit organizations to establish their webcasting infrastructure in support of organization-wide collaboration and hybrid training
  • Requirements definition based on the objectives, available resources, and restraints
  • We develop and present the vision and share this with stakeholders for consensus
  • Based on the requirements, we formulate video distribution system design options with estimated costs for approval
  • Our project management and technical expertise teams work with the implementation team to procure, install and support the system’s configuration
  • Using software tools, we fully test the implementation against the defined requirements as well as additional stress testing
  • Ongoing technical support with diagnostics and troubleshooting
  • Feature requests and custom builds

Contact us to learn more about our tailored solutions for non-profit organizations!